The term “Apocalypse” refers to a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge into divine, heavenly, or spiritual realms.
(Taken from the Ancient Greek term for “Revelation” or "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known”)
At Apocalypse Fitness, we are dedicated to helping people enhance their lives in every aspect through sport and fitness.
Exercise can have such a profound impact on an individual and helps you reach your full potential
by living a healthier, more fulfilling life.
As well as improving performance, it can reduce anxiety and depression, relieve stress, enhance memory, improve your mood,
boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. It can also have a tremendous impact on personal growth
by encouraging people to be the best version of themselves possible.
My Fitness Journey
So it all started about 4 years ago. I’d got myself into a rut, staying home and watching TV, eating convenience food instead of making healthier choices and I rarely exercised, which was really sad as I had always loved sport. I was getting out of breath walking the dogs, having to buy bigger clothes and I simply was not happy. I rarely step on the scales as I have always been a true believer that it should be how you feel about yourself, not how much you weigh. But, out of curiosity I did it. I cried when I saw how much weight I had actually gained, so I made the decision to get fit. A decision that I will never regret. I got motivated, joined a gym and hired a personal trainer as I needed that initial push.
After starting my own fitness journey and trying lots of different classes, I found a balance between what I liked and what I needed to do. As well as that, my love for fitness, health and general wellbeing grew and grew.
Then, 2 years into my fitness journey I accidentally fell into a sport that I never thought I would enjoy and now I cannot imagine my life without it. Muay Thai and the people I have met through it, has not only transformed me physically, but has helped me mentally as well. It was never my intention to fight, only to do the training but I absolutely love every single minute of it. Word of advice....When you find that thing that clicks, just go for it! It was finding this sport and my own Personal Trainer (yes, Personal Trainers need encouragement too), that truly reignited my passion for health and fitness and in turn inspired me to have a complete career change and become a Personal Trainer myself. Finding something you are passionate about raises your expectations and dreams and teaches you to discipline your body and mind.
It’s amazing how looking after yourself can make you feel good both on the inside and outside and how it can have such a huge impact on your own personal growth and happiness.
So here are the reasons why I decided to become a Personal Trainer:
After having my own positive fitness journey and discovering a passion for sport, health and wellbeing, I want to help and inspire others in the same way that I have been inspired.
There is so much to learn about fitness, and I want to broaden my knowledge and develop my skills in a subject that I am passionate about. Our bodies are amazing things and I want to learn as much as I can and share this knowledge.
Exercise can have such a positive impact and make such a massive change in people’s lives. I want to encourage people to live a healthier life as a whole, not just for the sake of appearances, but also from a mindfulness aspect.
The personal training qualification is just the start for me. I have so many ideas and I cannot wait to pursue them. I want to broaden my skills and add to my qualifications along the way.
This has given me the opportunity to do something I love everyday — loving your job is the most important thing.
I love helping people, so this is providing me with the ultimate job satisfaction when clients are enjoying the process and are seeing results.
Every day is different. Every client has different needs and goals which makes every session unique.
I know what it takes to get the results and I know how
great you feel when you achieve your goals.
Find something you love doing and just go for it!